
Every year, by the end of december, I take a trip down memory lane, looking through my outfit posts. 
2014 has been a busy year. The blog has grown a lot, and I've had got a lot of exiting business deals. Despite the busyness I've had a lot of time to the blog as well, and I posted more outfit posts than never before. 
My year has been embellished with a trip to Vienna, two trips to Paris, a trip to London and a trip to my other home in southern France. I'm hopefully going to travel as much in 2015! 
2015 is going to be an exiting year according to the blog. New business deals are waiting around the corner, and the blog is maybe going to move to another template - I'll get back to that later. But 2015 is also going to be a scary year for me personally. This summer I'll be graduating from high school, and I have to figure out what I'm gonna do with my life. Will I study on the university, will I get an exiting job in the fashion industry or will I move abroad? We'll have to wait and see. 
Hope you wanna continue follow my journey this year.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hvor er den buksedragt (??) fra, du har på på nederste billede nr 3?
    Du er så flot og en kæmpe inspirations kilde <3

  2. Tusinde tak!
    Det er en kjole fra Neo Noir, som snart kommer i butikkerne <3
